WIP Wednesday: My Whirl project is growing…


It’s Wednesday and time for a sneak peek. Last week I told a love story of me and Whirl yarn by Scheepjes*, which you can read HERE. And today is right time to show you what I‘ve come up with. No, it’s not a full reveal yet as I need to polish some details. But from pictures below you may guess what it is about. Don’t be shy to leave your comments with guesses under this post!
Crochet dress pattern with Whirl yarn by Scheepjes, designed by Lilla Bjorn

As you already know I am working with most popular (and also my favourite) shade of Whirl yarn which is called Green Tea Tipple. As official Scheepjes blogger I was very lucky to get several cakes of this gorgeous yarn for my new project. And I am super excited about what is going on here.
Crochet dress pattern with Whirl yarn by Scheepjes, designed by Lilla Bjorn

Ok, if you are still not sure what I am cooking, here are the hints: it’s garment, and it’s long and lacy… Well length actually depends on your height. I am pretty small so for me it’s long. But anyway my new garment design should fit any height. And it should also be ok for sizes S to L.
Crochet dress pattern with Whirl yarn by Scheepjes, designed by Lilla Bjorn

I will fully reveal this project next week, and free pattern will follow. I will try to add modifications to the pattern, so that it fits larger sizes.

That’s all for now ;-)
Crochet dress pattern with Whirl yarn by Scheepjes, designed by Lilla Bjorn

If you haven’t tried Whirl yarn before, be sure to check my review HERE. Yarn is available in your local Scheepjes stores and at Wool Warehouse HERE* (UK, international shipping).

And today I got a very exciting news! If you are located in US Scheepjes yarns will become more affordable to you (and with NO international shipping) as Loveknitting (which has a US warehouse) has just added them to stock. Check current range of Scheepjes yarns HERE*, and more will be added soon. If you have been dreaming about trying them - now it's the right time to place an order. Scheepejs yarn will only be available from Loveknitting to US customers.
Crochet dress pattern with Whirl yarn by Scheepjes, designed by Lilla Bjorn

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UPDATE: Free pattern of Nori Dress is HERE.

* DISCLOSURE: This blog contains affiliate links (marked with *). By using them you support my blog. Thank you!
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  1. Oh it looks awesome ❤️, will it be a dress? ;)

    1. How can it be?! First comment and you guessed already! Probably teasers were not good enough :)

    2. Yay �� I am looking forward to crochet it, honestly it will be my first crochet dress ��

    3. It's my first ever crochet dress as well! I have never made any before.

  2. That was also my guess. A dress :D

  3. wow i can't wait to see it :D

    1. Can't wait to show it ;-) (it will be difficult to choose from 171 pictures, lol)

  4. Glad to hear about Scheepjes being available through Love Knitting in the US. I have been ordering it from Wool Warehouse (UK). Wool Warehouse has good prices and the shipping is not expensive, it just takes a while to get to me in the U.S., usually about 7 business days. I have used the Merino Soft for an afghan and it split too much,so I'm not sure that I would buy it again. I really like the Catona line. It is very similar to Patons Grace, but Catona has more colors.

    1. Catona is great for overlay crochet, and thus one of my favourite yarns. Merino Soft can be splitty, I agree. It doesn't have a lot of twist, but that's also the reason why finished items are so soft. I made a cowl, and a blanket with Merino Soft and it took a bit of time to get used to yarn. But with Amour Clover hook it worked just fine... Have you tried Secret Garden? It's on my wish-list after I finish all Whirl projects :) And Colour Crafter is a very nice yarn, though in general I am not a fan of acrylic. But I made my Birthday in Malmo banket with two strands of Colour crafter, and it feels great. No pilling effect after a year of intensive use. I think it will be washed well, too.

  5. Can't wait...Have never crocheted a dress! Will have to be for my daughter. Thanks for all your great designs. Excited also about the availability of Scheepjes in the U.S..

  6. a dress, that was my first guess also. I'm looking forward to see it finished.

    1. Well. my teasers were probably not good enough :) Yes, it will be a dress! And I will reveal it this week.

  7. I just checked LoveKnitting's website and they don't have the Whirl yet.....

    1. I believe Loveknitting will add more yarns in the future.

  8. I guessed it was a dress before I got to the comments as well :). I thought cardigan at first till I saw it on a hanger. It looks wonderful.

  9. I can't wait! I'm making the Manadala Cardigan right now, adjusting it for my ample frame, in the Pistachio oh so nice. Thank you!


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