Spirits of Life CAL: Part 9. Border


YAY! Spirits of Life CAL is almost finished! This week is the last one. You will be making a simple border and then your wrap will be finished! I have mixed feelings about this week. It is a little bit sad that our crochet adventure is almost over. But on the other hand I am somewhat happy as well… This CAL was taking every single day of my life during last 2 months. I could hardly think of something else, and several new designs were put on hold. But now I will have more time to work on them and bring them to you soon.
Spirits of Life CAL: Part 9. Border! Free crochet pattern. Designed by www.lillabjorncrochet.com in collaboration with Scheepjes

If you missed previous parts of Spirits of Life CAL, please check General Information, Important Notes, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8.

Last week was very relaxed I hope. And today’s border is very simple, too. It consists of only rounds with single and double crochet stitches (US terms) and almost no counting is involved. So after you finish first round you can grab a cup of tea and continue with the pattern watching your favourite TV shows.

Why do I mention first round? Because on that round you will work evenly around entire wrap (it should be blocked already). I know many people I scared by “work evenly” instructions. To make it easier for you, I have given exact stitch count for every part of the wrap. So first round is broken into smaller sections, and hopefully it will be easy to be on track.
Spirits of Life CAL: Part 9. Border! Free crochet pattern. Designed by www.lillabjorncrochet.com in collaboration with Scheepjes

Please, note that my stitch count is perfect for the size and gauge given in the pattern. If your gauge was different, you might need to improvise a bit. The main rule is that your border must not ruffle. And it should not be pulling, too.

In case you don’t have enough yarn to finish the border as per pattern – don’t worry. You can absolutely join a new color in the middle of the round and continue to work with it. I would say different colors of yarn in the same round will make your wrap look very authentic.



IMPORTANT: Please, be aware that all my patterns (free or paid) are protected by copyright. You are not allowed to copy, reproduce, redistribute (online or off-line), sell and edit them in part or as a whole. You are welcome to sell your finished items made by my patterns, but you cannot use my pictures to promote them. Please, always credit me as the designer of these patterns. You are not allowed to share pdf-files created from my posts with anyone. If you would like more people to join my CAL – please, share a link to my blog with them. You can check Copyright page for more information.

**Errata** in some translations it was written to join Yarn F in the final stitch. It was an error. Please, make first round of the border with Yarn H :)

Part 9 - Afrikaans
Part 9 - Czech
Part 9 - Danish
Part 9 - Dutch
Part 9 - English (UK)
Part 9 - English (US)
Part 9 - Finnish
Part 9 - French
Part 9 - German
Part 9 - Hebrew
Part 9 - Norwegian
Part 9 - Polish
Part 9 - Portuguese
Part 9 - Spanish
Part 9 - Swedish
Part 9 - Russian

And if you have plenty of yarn left, here is my placement of colors for each of three colorways.
Spirits of Life CAL: Part 9. Border! Free crochet pattern. Designed by www.lillabjorncrochet.com in collaboration with Scheepjes

Here is a short video showing how the rounds begin and finish with a “needle join” (a nice opportunity to practice invisible join, isn’t?)

If you purchased an official Scheepjes kit you might be curious what is the metal ring for. And now I can tell you! It’s for a bonus pattern – a mandala wall hanging – which will be made with leftovers. The mandala design is created already and will be put to test this week. But since many of you are behind with the CAL and Christmas is almost here, I thought I would release bonus pattern early in January. When everyone will be back from holidays, fresh and ready for the new challenges!

Are you making this wrap for yourself or as a gift? :) I would love to hear from you in comments!!

Spirits of Life CAL: Part 9. Border! Free crochet pattern. Designed by www.lillabjorncrochet.com in collaboration with Scheepjes

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  1. The spirit of the orchid, my first attempt 😊 is a gift, spirit of the volcano will be for me and my daughter and everyone else can fight over the spirit of the lake, or I just may keep that one for myself too. I have loved doing this. Thank you

    1. Oh, you are making all three wraps? you've been very busy :) I hope your recepients will love the gift!

  2. Thank you so much for this pattern, even though I crochet many, many years, I have learned a lot of new stitches! The shawl is a gift for myself, since I've been pretty ill this year and still not a 100%, I needed something to cuddle with!
    Jellie Snijders

    1. Hi Jellie, so sorry to hear you didn't feel well this year! Let new year will be much better and happier for you!

  3. Thank you so much for an exciting CAL project! I haven't been able to finish it yet, but I'm working on it. :) I learned two new crochet techniques and I'm always excited to learn new things.

    I hope you will make more CALs in the future.

    1. Thank you! I will probably host more CALs in the future. But at the moment I am a little bit tired :) Lets hope new ideas and power will come back to me next year!

  4. Thanks very much for this amazing design! I have loved working on it very much, learned a lot!! There were times I thought I couldn't get it done, but your You Tube Channel came to the rescue! ^^ Thanks again! ^^

    1. I am so happy you didn't give up! And I am so glad videos helped you!

  5. Thanks a lot for this CAL. Also for the videos.
    It was my first CAL that I managed to finish.
    It is a gift to me.
    Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Grazia! Good to hear! did you join other CAL's as well?

  6. I've totally enjoyed this CAL - I've made mine as a present to myself to help with my hot and cold problems I have! Can't wait for the bonus pattern in January. Thank you x

  7. Thank you so much for a wonderful journey with the spirit of life.
    I have never made mosaics and was a little afraid of it. But I'm totally crazy about it.
    So now I will make your mosaic blanket for my girlfriend.
    Marry christmas and happy new year

    1. If you fell in love with Mosaic crochet I might have something new for you very soon :) Marry Christmas!

  8. Thank you so much for this beautiful pattern and impeccable instructions. I’m amazed by all the work that has gone into the videos, translations and testing. You’ve created a wonderfully creative and colorful project that’s been a joy to work on. I look forward to working more of your special designs.

    1. thank you very much! An amazing team of translators was working on this project. 35 people were involved! I am grateful to them. Without their work this CAL would not be possible for many people in different countries.

  9. I am a little behind, nearly finished the 2nd mosaic section.. Orchid for myself because I love it, but it is so good I am likely to make more and gift them. Mosaic and c2c were both new to me, so thank you for a wonderful introduction and excellent instructions/video. I look forward to the mandala design in January, thank you for your efforts and talent.

  10. HI. Just completed the wrap and I am quite pleased. But it seems to be very long and I have omitted the squares panels as I felt they were not lying flat. I have also designed a different border incorporating front post stitches to firm it up a little which I did start before the border pattern was released on Wednesday. Only just got enough yarn. The width is spot on with your measurements but not sure why it should be so long. I have quite a tight tension. Made for a hopefully future daughter in law. Looking forward to the bonus pattern as I am now bereft of a project.

  11. It was with anxiousness and excitement that I've started with the Spirit of Orchid. Each week was a new adventure and I must admit that when I've started with Part 7, I was disappointed! Not with the CAL, but with the thought that it is almost finished. I really really really enjoyed all the different patterns and stitches and I've learned so much over these past weeks.

    This is a present for my mom. Something from me far far away so she can have something I've made (with so much pride) for her. Every stitch with so much love. Each stitch are for all the days I'm missing her.

    Thanks for a great CAL. It was my first one and definitely not my last.

    1. I am sure your mom will love it. you put so much time, efforts and love into this project.

  12. Re the above comment. I have just watched the videos to try to see what has happened to the sizing of my shawl. I followed the UK instructions and now I realise that the stitches given in the pattern are all larger than the stitches that have been used in the videos. Hence my shawl has come out at 2.3m long without the squares panels. I am upset about this as I followed the instructions implicitly having crotcheted for years I have never had any issues following a pattern. SO the double crotchet I have been using should have been a single..... the trebles should have been a double etc. Hence I ran out of yarns and couldn't do the squares to lay flat. Why were the printed instructions written incorrectly for UK users. Anyone else come across this?

    1. hi Sharon. We have talked about this im private message :) I know that your comment was published before I replied to you. But just to make clear to everyone here - there is no error in UK translation. But because of misunderstanding you made US stitches instead of UK.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thank you for your beautiful pattern and your creativity.
    Last week was a hard one so I'm a little back. I need to make some little gifts and hope to finish during the weekend.
    I made de Volcane spirit for me and now looking forward to make the Sirit of the lake for my mom.

    Happy holidays to everyone, it was very nice to share this time with all.
    Greetings from Mexico

  14. I need some ideas, I'm really tall 1,85mts and feel the wrap is kind of short for me. I'm thinking of in rising the border rounds or making some pompones, tassels or some kind on "endings".
    Like to hear your ideas😊

    1. If you have enough yarn left and haven't added the border yet, you can crochet more stripes on each end (or even do it onto the border). Tassels will great too, I believe!

  15. Thank you SO much for this Tatsiana. I am making the Orchid colour way for myself - I am only halfway through - I got behind doing Christmas gifts. I am really enjoying the C2C bit - very satisfying. I skipped to the 2nd section of squares so I can block them ready for that part. Will look forward to the bonus pattern in January - I am glad you are waiting until then. Look forward to your next pattern as well. Happy Christmas from England and Happy New Year to you and your family.

    1. Thank you Maggie! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  16. I never knew crochet had become so amazing, I learned nearly 50 years ago and have only done 'simple' crocheting. This adventure has been incredible and I've loved all the different patterns as I've worked through them. I started 5 weeks behind, due to being away etc, but caught up and have now finished. I've posted photos of each stage on my FB and have wowed my friends. I have attributed the patterns and colours to the creator! Thank you for opening my eyes and giving me the inspiration to look for more creative work. I already have the Volcano pack, to be started in the New Year. That one's for me, the completed Orchid one is for a daughter-in-law for Christmas. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. Hy! It is beautiful, I love it! I have made "the spirit" for me. But I have a question: in the pack was a ring... have you give us a surprise-pattern maybe? :)

    2. Yes... and everything is written in the text above... ;-)

    3. I have two of those rings, another adventure!

  17. Those who bought the kit have a mystery ring in the box. Please put an end to the suspense and tell us what to make with it now that the wrap is finished(or almost in the case of my Orchid which I love)

    1. Hi, I suppose you were so excited to finish the wrap, and didn't read my blog carefully ;-) I have explained everything about the ring already! :) the pattern will come soon...

  18. Bonjour, Merci pour cette magnifique aventure... ce fut quelquefois difficile, mais le résultat est splendide. Merci aussi pour la version en français.
    A quoi sert le grand anneau dans le kit, il y a un bonus que vous publieriez ensuite ? merci et bonne fin d'année !

  19. Oh pardon, pour l'anneau, j'ai lu votre réponde au dessus dans un autre commentaire.
    Joyeux Noël

  20. I am working on the border. I see the first three rows indicate (RS) and (WS). Am I to understand that the other rows are (RS) because they don't have and identifier? Thanks! Sorry to be so lame this late in the game!

    1. Hi, you should repeat exact instructions for previous rnds, so you should turn after every rnd. All dc rnds are made on RS and all sc rnds (except of Rnd 1) are worked on the WS.

  21. Dear Tatsiana,

    I'm dropping by to thank you for the amazing work you put in this project. I consider myself an intermediate crocheter and I really learned a lot by following this call. I appreciated the news techniques, specially the mosaic crochet I had never tried before. The pattern was very clear and I must say I ADORE that your videos are silent. For some reason I'm bothered by the sound in videos and I just turn it off anyway, so the fact that you plan them to be silent and really make an effort to show all the steps just amazes me! I'm quite satisfied with the end result of my wrap, although gauge is a bit off and blocking hasn't solved the difference in width of the various parts... but well, next time :) AND, the design is just beautiful! I expect to be wearing it often.

    All the best,


  22. Dear Tatiana
    I have loved crocheting the wrap. Thanks very much for your excellent instructions.
    How do you think it's best to block the wrap?
    Thanks Jane

    1. Hi Jane, I pinned mine to a blocking board, sprayed it with water (not too much) and let it to dry. Don't leave your wrap in the direct sunlight as colors may fade.

  23. Hello from Finland :) I'm just about to get my first wrap ready and I'm totally "hooked" to this type of crocheting.. Where can I find the bonuspattern for the "mystery ring"? I can't seem to find it from this website..

    1. Hi! I am very glad to hear you liked this project. Bonus pattern is called Spirit Mandala. I've added link to the post with general information about the CAL :) Or you can search for it on my blog.


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