In this blog post you will find a list of special stitches and techniques used
in Rozeta CAL pattern. Please, take your time to study it carefully and maybe
even try with the hook. Pay special attention to the gauge information!
Before you start working on a gauge swatch, please make sure you organize the colors according to the color key given in Tips & Tricks file. In every part you will find yarn amounts of every color used. To make sure you have enough yarn, please take your time to weigh every skein (without a label) before using it, and make accurate notes of how much yarn in every color was used. Simple kitchen scale will work fine for that.
Before you start working on a gauge swatch, please make sure you organize the colors according to the color key given in Tips & Tricks file. In every part you will find yarn amounts of every color used. To make sure you have enough yarn, please take your time to weigh every skein (without a label) before using it, and make accurate notes of how much yarn in every color was used. Simple kitchen scale will work fine for that.
Grab a complete Rozeta pattern in one printable pdf with progress
pictures on
Ravelry HERE
Etsy HERE). Print friendly copy of the complete pattern without pictures is also
available for download.
The pattern is written for all colorways at the same time. Please, pay extra attention to which color should be used on the next round, as colors for Our Tribe and Colour Crafter versions will differ.
!!! IMPORTANT: for two color version (Midnight - Black & White) – Yarn A is used for Yarn A throughout and Yarn B is used for ALL other color changes.
Rozeta blanket begins with the central mandala in tapestry crochet. If you haven't tried tapestry crochet before, check THIS step-by-step tutorial.
Before making an actual gauge swatch with kit yarn, please first try with leftover yarn from your stash. When you feel confident with the technique, use yarn from the kit to make the actual gauge swatch for your blanket. The gauge circle will be a beginning of week 1 - so once you get it right, don't frog it!
To make a gauge swatch:
If done correctly, your gauge swatch will look the same on right and wrong sides. And carried yarn should not be visible (much) through the stitches. Don’t freak out to make it totally invisible – that might be impossible, especially with Our Tribe yarn which is fingering weight.
Please, find instructions for a gauge swatch in the Tips & Tricks file HERE.
Wonderful Esther Dijkstra of It's all In A Nutshell made helpful videos for you: English UK (right handed), English UK (left handed), Dutch (right handed), Dutch (left handed).
!!IMPORTANT!! Gauge is important for this pattern! To make sure it doesn’t change throughout the pattern, please, make checks after every few rounds. The mandala must stay flat! Approx. measurements of every part are given in the pattern to help you.
For an easy check: one row with dc (in tapestry - US terms) measures in height approx. 1cm/0.4in in Our Tribe yarn and 1.12cm/0.44” in Colour Crafter.
* An asterisk indicates pattern repeats. You will need to repeat all the instructions between asterisks the number of times specified. This is a hard-core repeat and will consist of multiple instructions. Due to the complex nature of the instructions for the Diamonds, these instructions will be highlighted in grey in the first 3 parts of the pattern.
Parentheses ( ) indicate repeats. You will need to repeat the instructions between parentheses the amount of times specified. This is a lower level repeat. Parentheses are also used to indicate a group of sts to be worked into the same st/sp.
Square Brackets [ ] are used to indicate a group of sts to be worked in the same st/sp when using parentheses would be too confusing.
Please, note that US terms are used in this photo-tutorial
Most of the stitches used in Rozeta pattern are very common and simple. You’ll find their complete list in the Tips & Tricks file. For basic stitches and techniques, please, see a photo-tutorial from Ubuntu CAL (created by Dedri Uys). However some trickier stitches are also used throughout. Please, see photo tutorial for them below.
Dc2tog (Double crochet 2 together): *yarn over, insert hook in indicated stitch, yarn over, draw up a lp, yarn over, pull through 2 lps; repeat from * once more, yarn over, pull through all 3 lps on hook.
Dc3tog (Double crochet 3 together): *yarn over, insert hook in indicated stitch, yarn over, draw up a lp, yarn over, pull through 2 lps; repeat from * 2 more times, yarn over, pull through all 4 lps on hook.
FPtr (Front post treble crochet): yarn over twice, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of indicated stitch, yo, draw up a lp, [yo, pull through 2 lps] 3 times.
Some places in Rozeta pattern require keeping your FPtr stitches straight. You should play a bit and see what is the best place for it to be “anchored”. Usually this will be the stitch from two rows below (unless otherwise stated in the pattern) lying a bit forward from the current stitch.
FPtr2tog (Front post treble 2 together): *yarn over twice, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of indicated stitch, yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lps] twice; repeat from * once more around the post of the same st, yarn over, pull through all 3 lps on hook.
You can either make both legs of FPtr2tog around the post of the same stitch, or complete FPtr2tog in a so called “modified way” (for a neater look). Make first leg as usually around the post of the indicated stitch. And then make a regular tr into the hole at the bottom of the leg just made.
FPtr4tog (Front post treble crochet 4 together): *yarn over twice, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of indicated stitch, yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lps] twice; repeat from * 3 more times, yarn over, pull through all 5 lps on hook.
Tr4tog (Treble crochet 4 together): *yarn over twice, insert hook in next st (or sp), yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lps] twice; repeat from * 3 more times, yarn over, pull through all 5 lps on hook.
“Modified” tr4tog (treble 4 together): yarn over twice, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of the indicated st, yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lops] twice, *yarn over twice, insert the hook to the hole at the bottom of stitch just made, yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lps] twice; repeat from * 2 more times, yarn over, pull through all 5 lps on hook.
The idea of making “modified” tr4tog is the same as modified FPtr. First leg is made around the post of indicated stitches below, and next 3 legs are added into the hole of the leg just made. Please, more information about front post clusters HERE.
Pc (Popcorn Stitch): Make 5 dc in the same st/sp. Remove your hook from the last st and insert it into the first dc of the 5-dc group. Grab the last st with your hook and pull it through the first st, ch1 (doesn’t count as a st).
“Modified” pc: Make FPtr around the post of indicated st, make four more tr into the hole at the bottom of the post of the first FPtr. Remove your hook from the last st and insert it into the first FPtr of the 5-dt group. Grab the last st with your hook and pull it through the first st, ch1 (doesn’t count as a st).
Sometimes the pattern will ask you to mark certain stitches or increases. Don’t underestimate this and mark as much as possible. In overlay crochet border it is very important to make stitches in correct places to keep the pattern flowing straight and smoothly. Even one stitch shift will cause the leaning of the petals on one of the sides.
Also make sure to read instructions carefully and try not to miss slip stitches in the beginning of some rounds. If you have any doubts, always refer to Esther’s videos. That will save you lots of time and will prevent of frogging.
See you next week. Aaaaaand... we'll begin!!
Subscribe to a newsletter not to miss a single post. You can also follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

Color changes
The pattern is written for all colorways at the same time. Please, pay extra attention to which color should be used on the next round, as colors for Our Tribe and Colour Crafter versions will differ.
!!! IMPORTANT: for two color version (Midnight - Black & White) – Yarn A is used for Yarn A throughout and Yarn B is used for ALL other color changes.
GAUGE and Tapestry Crochet
Rozeta blanket begins with the central mandala in tapestry crochet. If you haven't tried tapestry crochet before, check THIS step-by-step tutorial.
Before making an actual gauge swatch with kit yarn, please first try with leftover yarn from your stash. When you feel confident with the technique, use yarn from the kit to make the actual gauge swatch for your blanket. The gauge circle will be a beginning of week 1 - so once you get it right, don't frog it!
To make a gauge swatch:
- Use two colors at the same time.
- Always change to new color when you still have 2 loops on the hook (to finish last stitch in new color).
- After color is changed, place previous yarn on the top of crocheted piece, carry the tail behind the work and continue to crochet with new color over it.
- Each round should be joined with the same color as used for the beginning of the round. Before join always change to same color as first stitch of the round.
- Ch2 in the beginning of the round doesn’t count as a stitch. So first stitch of the round is made in same stitch as join.
If done correctly, your gauge swatch will look the same on right and wrong sides. And carried yarn should not be visible (much) through the stitches. Don’t freak out to make it totally invisible – that might be impossible, especially with Our Tribe yarn which is fingering weight.
Please, find instructions for a gauge swatch in the Tips & Tricks file HERE.
Wonderful Esther Dijkstra of It's all In A Nutshell made helpful videos for you: English UK (right handed), English UK (left handed), Dutch (right handed), Dutch (left handed).
!!IMPORTANT!! Gauge is important for this pattern! To make sure it doesn’t change throughout the pattern, please, make checks after every few rounds. The mandala must stay flat! Approx. measurements of every part are given in the pattern to help you.
For an easy check: one row with dc (in tapestry - US terms) measures in height approx. 1cm/0.4in in Our Tribe yarn and 1.12cm/0.44” in Colour Crafter.
* An asterisk indicates pattern repeats. You will need to repeat all the instructions between asterisks the number of times specified. This is a hard-core repeat and will consist of multiple instructions. Due to the complex nature of the instructions for the Diamonds, these instructions will be highlighted in grey in the first 3 parts of the pattern.
Parentheses ( ) indicate repeats. You will need to repeat the instructions between parentheses the amount of times specified. This is a lower level repeat. Parentheses are also used to indicate a group of sts to be worked into the same st/sp.
Square Brackets [ ] are used to indicate a group of sts to be worked in the same st/sp when using parentheses would be too confusing.
Please, note that US terms are used in this photo-tutorial
Most of the stitches used in Rozeta pattern are very common and simple. You’ll find their complete list in the Tips & Tricks file. For basic stitches and techniques, please, see a photo-tutorial from Ubuntu CAL (created by Dedri Uys). However some trickier stitches are also used throughout. Please, see photo tutorial for them below.
Dc2tog (Double crochet 2 together): *yarn over, insert hook in indicated stitch, yarn over, draw up a lp, yarn over, pull through 2 lps; repeat from * once more, yarn over, pull through all 3 lps on hook.
Dc3tog (Double crochet 3 together): *yarn over, insert hook in indicated stitch, yarn over, draw up a lp, yarn over, pull through 2 lps; repeat from * 2 more times, yarn over, pull through all 4 lps on hook.
FPtr (Front post treble crochet): yarn over twice, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of indicated stitch, yo, draw up a lp, [yo, pull through 2 lps] 3 times.
Some places in Rozeta pattern require keeping your FPtr stitches straight. You should play a bit and see what is the best place for it to be “anchored”. Usually this will be the stitch from two rows below (unless otherwise stated in the pattern) lying a bit forward from the current stitch.
FPtr2tog (Front post treble 2 together): *yarn over twice, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of indicated stitch, yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lps] twice; repeat from * once more around the post of the same st, yarn over, pull through all 3 lps on hook.
You can either make both legs of FPtr2tog around the post of the same stitch, or complete FPtr2tog in a so called “modified way” (for a neater look). Make first leg as usually around the post of the indicated stitch. And then make a regular tr into the hole at the bottom of the leg just made.
FPtr4tog (Front post treble crochet 4 together): *yarn over twice, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of indicated stitch, yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lps] twice; repeat from * 3 more times, yarn over, pull through all 5 lps on hook.
Tr4tog (Treble crochet 4 together): *yarn over twice, insert hook in next st (or sp), yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lps] twice; repeat from * 3 more times, yarn over, pull through all 5 lps on hook.
“Modified” tr4tog (treble 4 together): yarn over twice, insert hook from front to back to front around the post of the indicated st, yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lops] twice, *yarn over twice, insert the hook to the hole at the bottom of stitch just made, yarn over, draw up a lp, [yarn over, pull through 2 lps] twice; repeat from * 2 more times, yarn over, pull through all 5 lps on hook.
The idea of making “modified” tr4tog is the same as modified FPtr. First leg is made around the post of indicated stitches below, and next 3 legs are added into the hole of the leg just made. Please, more information about front post clusters HERE.
Pc (Popcorn Stitch): Make 5 dc in the same st/sp. Remove your hook from the last st and insert it into the first dc of the 5-dc group. Grab the last st with your hook and pull it through the first st, ch1 (doesn’t count as a st).
“Modified” pc: Make FPtr around the post of indicated st, make four more tr into the hole at the bottom of the post of the first FPtr. Remove your hook from the last st and insert it into the first FPtr of the 5-dt group. Grab the last st with your hook and pull it through the first st, ch1 (doesn’t count as a st).
Using Stitch Markers
Sometimes the pattern will ask you to mark certain stitches or increases. Don’t underestimate this and mark as much as possible. In overlay crochet border it is very important to make stitches in correct places to keep the pattern flowing straight and smoothly. Even one stitch shift will cause the leaning of the petals on one of the sides.
Also make sure to read instructions carefully and try not to miss slip stitches in the beginning of some rounds. If you have any doubts, always refer to Esther’s videos. That will save you lots of time and will prevent of frogging.
See you next week. Aaaaaand... we'll begin!!
Subscribe to a newsletter not to miss a single post. You can also follow me on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

Tatsiana, thank you for this awesome CAL project! After reading the info above, I've decided to buy two extra skeins of Our Tribe in highly contrasting colors to practice tapestry crochet, special stitches, and gauge swatches. Once I'm satisfied with the practice work, I'll do the gauge swatches with my kit yarn for my two Rozetas.
ReplyDeleteIs the Cal available in PDF format ?
ReplyDeleteOmg...what a lovely stitch